Am So., 5. Jan. 2020 um 20:11 Uhr schrieb Kornel Benko <>:

> Am Sun, 5 Jan 2020 15:56:32 +0100
> schrieb Yu Jin <>:
> > As promised I have updated the description for setting up the tools on
> > windows
> >
> > Eugene
> In the description you change 'MSVC 2017' to 'MSVC 2019', but later on
> you still refer to
>         'MSVC 2017',
>         C:\LyX\lyx-windows-deps-msvc2017
> Intended?

Yes, The Microsoft Visual Studio 2017 is no longer available for download
because there is the new Visual Studio 2019.
But in Qt online installer, there are no MSVC 2019 kits, only the 2017
ones, thats why I wrote, that the 2019 MSVC compilers (the build tools
installed in the Visual Studio installer) are compatible with the MSVC 2017
kits in Qt.
As for the dependencies, well in here
are only dependencies called lyx-windows-deps-msvc2017 :)

> I'd like to know what happens if you enable 'LYX_CPACK=ON' in cmake gui.
> Is there a new
> target 'package'?
> If yes, I expect created .zip-file if using this target (instead of
> 'install').

Yeah it works, this folder is created in the build directory:
_CPack_Packages\win64\ZIP in this folder there is actually a folder called
LyX24-2.4.0-win64, it contains the stuff which is in LYX_INSTALLED folder
if building the INSTALL target/project and additionally the ZIP contains
this LyX24-2.4.0-win64 folder packed in a zip file, there are no
dependencies and Qt dlls though...

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