I know LyX is very strict on not allowing empty lines but I think there should be one exception: a line that contains only a display formula.

The attached document demonstrates the situation: LyX shows no space difference between the text and the display formula. However, the output shows such difference. It would be good if LyX makes one aware that one has started a new paragraph before a display formula by showing that extra empty line created.

Also, the numbering/bullets get moved in front of the display formula in LyX. I guess this problem would be solved as well if the empty line would be rendered in LyX.

Maybe it would be even good if such an empty line would be highlighted with some symbol at the beginning because most of the time the added break will not be on purpose. And it can even lead to the infamous LaTeX error in LyX when, for example, a description contains only a display formula.
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\begin_layout Standard
No break after...
 (same spacing in LyX and LaTeX output)
\begin_inset Formula 



\begin_layout Standard
Break after...
 (different spacing in LyX and LaTeX output)

\begin_layout Standard
\begin_inset Formula 



\begin_layout Standard
With text...
 (same spacing in LyX and LaTeX output)

\begin_layout Enumerate
\begin_inset Formula 



\begin_layout Standard
(Unimportant intermezzo for getting an indented paragraph...)

\begin_layout Standard
Without text...
 (different spacing in LyX and LaTeX output)

\begin_layout Enumerate
\begin_inset Formula 



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