Am Sonntag, den 16.08.2020, 21:26 +0100 schrieb José Abílio Matos:
> What is wrong with
> pos_type ipos = min(cur.pos(), cell(i).size());
> it expresses intent better than the other code, no? :-)

This was my first choice, too. However, it triggers:

mathed/InsetMathGrid.cpp:1637:51: error: no matching function for call
to ‘min(lyx::pos_type&, std::__cxx1998::vector<lyx::MathAtom,
std::allocator<lyx::MathAtom> >::size_type)’
 1637 |      pos_type ipos = min(cur.pos(), cell(i).size());

pos() is pos_type (signed), size() is size_t (unsigned)


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