On Mon, Aug 17, 2020 at 09:13:45AM +0200, Daniel wrote:
> I guess you don't like the current Preferences > Editing > Control because
> it contains two GUI switches that seem to apply to a single combobox


> I have suggested the formatted combobox a little while ago with reasons for
> why it might be a good idea (mainly giving an indication what the layout is
> as is done in the work area). Everyone who has responded so far (who are not
> too many) was indifferent so far, except for Riki who seemed in favor. Maybe
> one could take the non-response of others as indifference.

My interpretation of silence when I encounter it for my proposal on the list
is either indifference or silent reservation (people don't want to argue or
don't want to hurt).
If even after another iteration (like the initial thread here) I don't get
answer I am very reluctant to start coding, or I do just some quick & ugly &
hackish solution for private needs. Otherwise there is big risk that my
time will be wasted and never make it to master.

So I guess the home-take message is that unless you get few positive responses
after initial proposing UI change you better focus the energy on different
issue instead of trying to argue your way through.

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