On Mon, Aug 17, 2020 at 08:16:44AM +0200, Pavel Sanda wrote:
> On Mon, Aug 17, 2020 at 12:24:07AM -0400, Scott Kostyshak wrote:
> > The script seems to be called whenever I choose *any* option from the
> > context menu, not just the "Open citation content" option.
> Should be fixed now.
> > Regarding the hardcoding, it's hard to think of an alternative. If we
> > stick with the hardcoding, perhaps at least prefix the name with "lyx"?
> Fixed.

Thanks for the fixes.

One more thing: should the LFUN be disabled if the script is not found
in the PATH? I'm not suggesting it should be, just asking. If it should,
should this be done at run time or as part of the configure?

I guess we do not have a check for CAS software: we unconditionally show
the menu entry and all of the options, even if none of the programs are

> > The only alternative I could think of would be to require the user to
> > define a new file format "Citation content", where they could then
> > define their own viewer. But this is just moving the hardcoding from the
> > binary name to the file format name so that is actually more hackish.
> We could have just preference option for defining the script name,
> but again it does not help much because user will need to code within
> the script.

I agree that would be better than the hackish file format thing. Unless
someone can think of an alternative, I guess the question is whether to
add a preference or to hardcode. I'm trying to think of situations in
other software that are similar to see how they handle things, but I
haven't been able to think of anything.

I think my current opinion is the following: there's no benefit to
allowing the user to choose the script name. Why would they want a
specific name? That might make sense if they could use an existing
program (e.g., Evince), but in this particular case, it needs to be a
custom script that can't be used for anything else so it cannot be

> Are you jabref user?

I'm not a JabRef user. Maybe I should give it a look, but I currently
just do manual edits.


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