Juergen Vigna wrote:
> I noticed it now, here it happens ALWAYS if the tabular is scrolled to the
> right (if it's larger then the screen). I'll have a look!
If the table is broader than the screen, there is another problem that you have
probably noticed as well. If you start filling the last column, at the moment
the table becomes larger than the screen, the table is repainted a couple of
times. On a slow machine, you notice that the table is shifted to the left and
right again and again - a clear indication for several redrawings (at least 6,
I guess). I think one time should be enough, shouldn't it? Maybe a lot of
needless redrawings are not noticed because the table stays at the same
position on screen. But with a large table, you can see what is actually going
There are some other strange things happening with figure floats that may be
interesting to the other LyX developers as well:
- If you insert a table into an empty float, two cursors are
shown at first. One inside the table, one outside.
- There is no caption any more. Has this to do with Lars
newinset stuff? I thought it is not activated by default...
- If you insert a caption, it first says "Figure #" and turns into
"senseless" as soon as you enter some text below and above.
(It doesn't change back if you delete the text afterwards)
- Text selection with the cursor keys works correctly, but selecting
text with the mouse doesn't work (the start of a selection does
not change, i.e. you cannot get rid of a previous selection)
Kind regards,
Michael Schmitt phone: +49 451 500 3725
Institute for Telematics secretary: +49 451 500 3721
Medical University of Luebeck fax: +49 451 500 3722
Ratzeburger Allee 160 eMail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
D-23538 Luebeck, Germany WWW: http://www.itm.mu-luebeck.de