If you have issues with menukeys and the new LaTeX kernel, run the
upgrade once in a while until you mirror sees:

On 2020-11-01 14:44 , CTAN Announcements wrote:
> Tobias Weh submitted an update to the
>                 menukeys
> package.
> Version:  1.6 2020-10-31

Patience is a virtue (in Open Source) :-0-O

greetings, el

On 2020-10-30 18:01 , Scott Kostyshak wrote:
> On Fri, Oct 30, 2020 at 08:43:50AM +0200, Dr Eberhard W Lisse wrote:
>> This is most certainly the worst possible "fix".
>> One should fix menukeys.
>> One should figure out where and why LyX pulls menukeys and turn that
>> off, reverting to the situation before menukeys was used.
> This issue is not about menukeys. I hypothesized that the change in the
> core latex package that triggered the seminar issue is similar (I
> believe) to the triggered issue in menu keys. But a fix to menukeys will
> not fix the issue here.
>> One should figure out how to make LyX place the
>> \RequirePackage[2020-02-02]{latexrelease} as the first line into the TeX
>> file.
>> I am not the only one having seriously large projects in LyX, and
>> exporting this to TeX and manually adding stuff to the (many) TeX files,
>> every time you make a change in one of the LyX files, just doesn't scale.
> Agreed. That said, I don't think my commit made anything worse. I agree
> that it did not make things much better, but at least explaining things
> to the user is better than nothing in my opinion.
> Scott

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