On Monday, February 15, 2021 3:25:45 PM WET Scott Kostyshak wrote:
> +1
> Thanks for taking a look, José.
> Scott

OK. I have lots of issues on hand but at least this is funny. :-)

One option would be to use some kind of string formatting. Actually since 
curly braces are usually not used in OS we could use the string format syntax 
(that is also used in C++20 format). One example would be:

\converter pdf4   pdf8  "{python} $$s/scripts/convert_pdf.py $$i $$o ebook"...

The lyx could convert internally {python} to the python path. Since lyx 
already has this information, or else it would not call configure.py

If you do not like this option one in the same line as the other 
interpolations that we apply is to use $${python}.

The other option is to replace this in configure.py like in the following 
patch that I have not yet tested.

What do you think?
José Abílio
diff --git a/lib/configure.py b/lib/configure.py
index 43073e901d..4e08ef6776 100644
--- a/lib/configure.py
+++ b/lib/configure.py
@@ -29,7 +29,10 @@ formatter = logging.Formatter('%(message)s') # only print out the message itself
 logger = logging.getLogger('LyX')
+interpreter = sys.executable
+if interpreter == '':
+    interpreter = "python"
 def quoteIfSpace(name):
     " utility function: quote name if it contains spaces "
     if ' ' in name:
@@ -52,7 +55,7 @@ def addToRC(lines):
         add newline at the end of lines.
     if lines.strip():
-        writeToFile(outfile, lines + '\n', append = True)
+        writeToFile(outfile, lines.format(python=interpreter) + '\n', append = True)
         logger.debug('Add to RC:\n' + lines + '\n\n')
@@ -653,7 +656,7 @@ def checkLatex(dtl_tools):
     if dtl_tools:
         # Windows only: DraftDVI
         addToRC(r'''\converter latex      dvi2       "%s"	"latex,hyperref-driver=dvips"
-\converter dvi2       dvi        "python -tt $$s/scripts/clean_dvi.py $$i $$o"	""''' % LATEX)
+\converter dvi2       dvi        "{python} $$s/scripts/clean_dvi.py $$i $$o"	""''' % LATEX)
         addToRC(r'\converter latex      dvi        "%s"	"latex,hyperref-driver=dvips"' % LATEX)
     # no latex
@@ -943,7 +946,7 @@ def checkConverterEntries():
     checkProg('an HTML -> LaTeX converter', ['html2latex $$i', 'gnuhtml2latex',
         'htmltolatex -input $$i -output $$o', 'htmltolatex.jar -input $$i -output $$o'],
         rc_entry = [ r'\converter html       latex      "%%"	""',
-                     r'\converter html       latex      "python -tt $$s/scripts/html2latexwrapper.py %% $$i $$o"	""',
+                     r'\converter html       latex      "{python} $$s/scripts/html2latexwrapper.py %% $$i $$o"	""',
                      r'\converter html       latex      "%%"	""',
                      r'\converter html       latex      "%%"	""', '' ])
@@ -964,8 +967,8 @@ def checkConverterEntries():
         ['elyxer.py --html --nofooter --unicode --directory $$r $$i $$o', 'elyxer --html --nofooter --unicode --directory $$r $$i $$o'],
         rc_entry = [ r'\converter lyx      word      "%%"	""' ])
     if elyxer.find('elyxer') >= 0:
-      addToRC(r'''\copier    html       "python -tt $$s/scripts/ext_copy.py -e html,png,jpg,jpeg,css $$i $$o"''')
-      addToRC(r'''\copier    wordhtml       "python -tt $$s/scripts/ext_copy.py -e html,png,jpg,jpeg,css $$i $$o"''')
+      addToRC(r'''\copier    html       "{python} $$s/scripts/ext_copy.py -e html,png,jpg,jpeg,css $$i $$o"''')
+      addToRC(r'''\copier    wordhtml       "{python} $$s/scripts/ext_copy.py -e html,png,jpg,jpeg,css $$i $$o"''')
       # search for HTML converters other than eLyXer
       # On SuSE the scripts have a .sh suffix, and on debian they are in /usr/share/tex4ht/
@@ -974,24 +977,24 @@ def checkConverterEntries():
           'latex2html -no_subdir -split 0 -show_section_numbers $$i', 'hevea -s $$i'],
           rc_entry = [ r'\converter latex      html       "%%"	"needaux"' ])
       if htmlconv.find('htlatex') >= 0 or htmlconv == 'latex2html':
-        addToRC(r'''\copier    html       "python -tt $$s/scripts/ext_copy.py -e html,png,css $$i $$o"''')
+        addToRC(r'''\copier    html       "{python} $$s/scripts/ext_copy.py -e html,png,css $$i $$o"''')
-        addToRC(r'''\copier    html       "python -tt $$s/scripts/ext_copy.py $$i $$o"''')
+        addToRC(r'''\copier    html       "{python} $$s/scripts/ext_copy.py $$i $$o"''')
       path, htmlconv = checkProg('a LaTeX -> HTML (MS Word) converter', ["htlatex $$i 'html,word' 'symbol/!' '-cvalidate'",
           "htlatex.sh $$i 'html,word' 'symbol/!' '-cvalidate'",
           "/usr/share/tex4ht/htlatex $$i 'html,word' 'symbol/!' '-cvalidate'"],
           rc_entry = [ r'\converter latex      wordhtml   "%%"	"needaux"' ])
       if htmlconv.find('htlatex') >= 0:
-        addToRC(r'''\copier    wordhtml       "python -tt $$s/scripts/ext_copy.py -e html,png,css $$i $$o"''')
+        addToRC(r'''\copier    wordhtml       "{python} $$s/scripts/ext_copy.py -e html,png,css $$i $$o"''')
-        addToRC(r'''\copier    wordhtml       "python -tt $$s/scripts/ext_copy.py $$i $$o"''')
+        addToRC(r'''\copier    wordhtml       "{python} $$s/scripts/ext_copy.py $$i $$o"''')
     # Check if LyXBlogger is installed
     lyxblogger_found = checkModule('lyxblogger')
     if lyxblogger_found:
       addToRC(r'\Format    blog       blog       "LyXBlogger"           "" "" ""  "document"  ""')
-      addToRC(r'\converter xhtml      blog       "python -m lyxblogger $$i"       ""')
+      addToRC(r'\converter xhtml      blog       "{python} -m lyxblogger $$i"       ""')
     checkProg('an OpenOffice.org -> LaTeX converter', ['w2l -clean $$i'],
@@ -1013,9 +1016,9 @@ def checkConverterEntries():
         xpath = 'none'
     global java
     if xsltproc != '':
-        addToRC('\\converter docbook5 epub "python $$s/scripts/docbook2epub.py none none \\"' + xsltproc + '\\" ' + xpath + ' $$i $$r $$o" ""')
+        addToRC('\\converter docbook5 epub "{python} $$s/scripts/docbook2epub.py none none \\"' + xsltproc + '\\" ' + xpath + ' $$i $$r $$o" ""')
     elif java != '':
-        addToRC('\\converter docbook5 epub "python $$s/scripts/docbook2epub.py \\"' + java + '\\" none none ' + xpath + ' $$i $$r $$o" ""')
+        addToRC('\\converter docbook5 epub "{python} $$s/scripts/docbook2epub.py \\"' + java + '\\" none none ' + xpath + ' $$i $$r $$o" ""')
     checkProg('a MS Word Office Open XML converter -> LaTeX', ['pandoc -s -f docx -o $$o -t latex $$i'],
         rc_entry = [ r'\converter word2      latex      "%%"	""' ])
@@ -1087,8 +1090,8 @@ def checkConverterEntries():
     # PDF produced using non-TeX fonts. This does not produce non-unique
     # conversion paths, since a given document either uses TeX fonts or not.
     checkProg('Ghostscript', ["gswin32c", "gswin64c", "gs"],
-        rc_entry = [ r'''\converter pdf2   pdf8       "python -tt $$s/scripts/convert_pdf.py $$i $$o ebook"	""
-\converter pdf4   pdf8       "python -tt $$s/scripts/convert_pdf.py $$i $$o ebook"	""''' ])
+        rc_entry = [ r'''\converter pdf2   pdf8       "{python} $$s/scripts/convert_pdf.py $$i $$o ebook"	""
+\converter pdf4   pdf8       "{python} $$s/scripts/convert_pdf.py $$i $$o ebook"	""''' ])
     checkProg('a Beamer info extractor', ['makebeamerinfo -p $$i'],
         rc_entry = [ r'\converter pdf2         beamer.info        "%%"	""' ])
@@ -1114,24 +1117,24 @@ def checkConverterEntries():
 \converter fig        ppm        "fig2dev -L ppm $$i $$o"	""
 \converter fig        svg        "fig2dev -L svg $$i $$o"	""
 \converter fig        png        "fig2dev -L png $$i $$o"	""
-\converter fig        pdftex     "python -tt $$s/scripts/fig2pdftex.py $$i $$o"	""
-\converter fig        pstex      "python -tt $$s/scripts/fig2pstex.py $$i $$o"	""''')
+\converter fig        pdftex     "{python} $$s/scripts/fig2pdftex.py $$i $$o"	""
+\converter fig        pstex      "{python} $$s/scripts/fig2pstex.py $$i $$o"	""''')
     if inkscape_stable:
         checkProg('a SVG -> PDFTeX converter', [inkscape_cl],
-            rc_entry = [ r'\converter svg        pdftex     "python -tt $$s/scripts/svg2pdftex.py %% $$p$$i $$p$$o" ""'],
+            rc_entry = [ r'\converter svg        pdftex     "{python} $$s/scripts/svg2pdftex.py %% $$p$$i $$p$$o" ""'],
             path = [inkscape_path])
         checkProg('a SVG -> PSTeX converter', [inkscape_cl],
-            rc_entry = [ r'\converter svg        pstex     "python -tt $$s/scripts/svg2pstex.py %% $$p$$i $$p$$o" ""'],
+            rc_entry = [ r'\converter svg        pstex     "{python} $$s/scripts/svg2pstex.py %% $$p$$i $$p$$o" ""'],
             path = [inkscape_path])
         checkProg('a SVG -> PDFTeX converter', [inkscape_cl],
-            rc_entry = [ r'\converter svg        pdftex     "python -tt $$s/scripts/svg2pdftex.py --unstable %% $$p$$i $$p$$o" ""'],
+            rc_entry = [ r'\converter svg        pdftex     "{python} $$s/scripts/svg2pdftex.py --unstable %% $$p$$i $$p$$o" ""'],
             path = [inkscape_path])
         checkProg('a SVG -> PSTeX converter', [inkscape_cl],
-            rc_entry = [ r'\converter svg        pstex     "python -tt $$s/scripts/svg2pstex.py --unstable %% $$p$$i $$p$$o" ""'],
+            rc_entry = [ r'\converter svg        pstex     "{python} $$s/scripts/svg2pstex.py --unstable %% $$p$$i $$p$$o" ""'],
             path = [inkscape_path])
     checkProg('a TIFF -> PS converter', ['tiff2ps $$i > $$o'],
@@ -1246,7 +1249,7 @@ def checkConverterEntries():
     checkProg('Gnuplot', ['gnuplot'],
         rc_entry = [ r'''\Format gnuplot     "gp, gnuplot"    "Gnuplot"     "" "" ""  "vector"	"text/plain"
-\converter gnuplot      pdf6      "python -tt $$s/scripts/gnuplot2pdf.py $$i $$o"    "needauth"''' ])
+\converter gnuplot      pdf6      "{python} $$s/scripts/gnuplot2pdf.py $$i $$o"    "needauth"''' ])
     # gnumeric/xls/ods to tex
     checkProg('a spreadsheet -> latex converter', ['ssconvert'],
@@ -1258,10 +1261,10 @@ def checkConverterEntries():
 \converter oocalc html_table "ssconvert --export-type=Gnumeric_html:html40frag $$i $$o" ""
 \converter excel  html_table "ssconvert --export-type=Gnumeric_html:html40frag $$i $$o" ""
 \converter excel2 html_table "ssconvert --export-type=Gnumeric_html:html40frag $$i $$o" ""
-\converter gnumeric xhtml_table "python $$s/scripts/spreadsheet_to_docbook.py $$i $$o" ""
-\converter oocalc xhtml_table "python $$s/scripts/spreadsheet_to_docbook.py $$i $$o" ""
-\converter excel  xhtml_table "python $$s/scripts/spreadsheet_to_docbook.py $$i $$o" ""
-\converter excel2 xhtml_table "python $$s/scripts/spreadsheet_to_docbook.py $$i $$o" ""
+\converter gnumeric xhtml_table "{python} $$s/scripts/spreadsheet_to_docbook.py $$i $$o" ""
+\converter oocalc xhtml_table "{python} $$s/scripts/spreadsheet_to_docbook.py $$i $$o" ""
+\converter excel  xhtml_table "{python} $$s/scripts/spreadsheet_to_docbook.py $$i $$o" ""
+\converter excel2 xhtml_table "{python} $$s/scripts/spreadsheet_to_docbook.py $$i $$o" ""
     path, lilypond = checkProg('a LilyPond -> EPS/PDF/PNG converter', ['lilypond'])
@@ -1320,7 +1323,7 @@ def checkConverterEntries():
     # Currently, lyxpak outputs a gzip compressed tar archive on *nix
     # and a zip archive on Windows.
     # So, we configure the appropriate version according to the platform.
-    cmd = r'\converter lyx %s "python -tt $$s/scripts/lyxpak.py $$r/$$f" ""'
+    cmd = r'\converter lyx %s "{python} $$s/scripts/lyxpak.py $$r/$$f" ""'
     if os.name == 'nt':
         addToRC(r'\Format lyxzip     zip    "LyX Archive (zip)"     "" "" ""  "document,menu=export"	""')
         addToRC(cmd % "lyxzip")
@@ -1334,24 +1337,24 @@ def checkConverterEntries():
     # Entries that do not need checkProg
-\converter csv        lyx        "python -tt $$s/scripts/csv2lyx.py $$i $$o"	""
-\converter fen        asciichess "python -tt $$s/scripts/fen2ascii.py $$i $$o"	""
-\converter lyx        lyx13x     "python -tt $$s/lyx2lyx/lyx2lyx -V 1.3 -o $$o $$i"	""
-\converter lyx        lyx14x     "python -tt $$s/lyx2lyx/lyx2lyx -V 1.4 -o $$o $$i"	""
-\converter lyx        lyx15x     "python -tt $$s/lyx2lyx/lyx2lyx -V 1.5 -o $$o $$i"	""
-\converter lyx        lyx16x     "python -tt $$s/lyx2lyx/lyx2lyx -V 1.6 -o $$o $$i"	""
-\converter lyx        lyx20x     "python -tt $$s/lyx2lyx/lyx2lyx -V 2.0 -o $$o $$i"	""
-\converter lyx        lyx21x     "python -tt $$s/lyx2lyx/lyx2lyx -V 2.1 -o $$o $$i"	""
-\converter lyx        lyx22x     "python -tt $$s/lyx2lyx/lyx2lyx -V 2.2 -o $$o $$i"	""
-\converter lyx        lyx23x     "python -tt $$s/lyx2lyx/lyx2lyx -V 2.3 -o $$o $$i"	""
-\converter lyx        clyx       "python -tt $$s/lyx2lyx/lyx2lyx -V 1.4 -o $$o -c big5   $$i"	""
-\converter lyx        jlyx       "python -tt $$s/lyx2lyx/lyx2lyx -V 1.4 -o $$o -c euc_jp $$i"	""
-\converter lyx        klyx       "python -tt $$s/lyx2lyx/lyx2lyx -V 1.4 -o $$o -c euc_kr $$i"	""
-\converter clyx       lyx        "python -tt $$s/lyx2lyx/lyx2lyx -c big5   -o $$o $$i"	""
-\converter jlyx       lyx        "python -tt $$s/lyx2lyx/lyx2lyx -c euc_jp -o $$o $$i"	""
-\converter klyx       lyx        "python -tt $$s/lyx2lyx/lyx2lyx -c euc_kr -o $$o $$i"	""
-\converter lyxpreview png        "python -tt $$s/scripts/lyxpreview2bitmap.py --png"	""
-\converter lyxpreview ppm        "python -tt $$s/scripts/lyxpreview2bitmap.py --ppm"	""
+\converter csv        lyx        "{python} $$s/scripts/csv2lyx.py $$i $$o"	""
+\converter fen        asciichess "{python} $$s/scripts/fen2ascii.py $$i $$o"	""
+\converter lyx        lyx13x     "{python} $$s/lyx2lyx/lyx2lyx -V 1.3 -o $$o $$i"	""
+\converter lyx        lyx14x     "{python} $$s/lyx2lyx/lyx2lyx -V 1.4 -o $$o $$i"	""
+\converter lyx        lyx15x     "{python} $$s/lyx2lyx/lyx2lyx -V 1.5 -o $$o $$i"	""
+\converter lyx        lyx16x     "{python} $$s/lyx2lyx/lyx2lyx -V 1.6 -o $$o $$i"	""
+\converter lyx        lyx20x     "{python} $$s/lyx2lyx/lyx2lyx -V 2.0 -o $$o $$i"	""
+\converter lyx        lyx21x     "{python} $$s/lyx2lyx/lyx2lyx -V 2.1 -o $$o $$i"	""
+\converter lyx        lyx22x     "{python} $$s/lyx2lyx/lyx2lyx -V 2.2 -o $$o $$i"	""
+\converter lyx        lyx23x     "{python} $$s/lyx2lyx/lyx2lyx -V 2.3 -o $$o $$i"	""
+\converter lyx        clyx       "{python} $$s/lyx2lyx/lyx2lyx -V 1.4 -o $$o -c big5   $$i"	""
+\converter lyx        jlyx       "{python} $$s/lyx2lyx/lyx2lyx -V 1.4 -o $$o -c euc_jp $$i"	""
+\converter lyx        klyx       "{python} $$s/lyx2lyx/lyx2lyx -V 1.4 -o $$o -c euc_kr $$i"	""
+\converter clyx       lyx        "{python} $$s/lyx2lyx/lyx2lyx -c big5   -o $$o $$i"	""
+\converter jlyx       lyx        "{python} $$s/lyx2lyx/lyx2lyx -c euc_jp -o $$o $$i"	""
+\converter klyx       lyx        "{python} $$s/lyx2lyx/lyx2lyx -c euc_kr -o $$o $$i"	""
+\converter lyxpreview png        "{python} $$s/scripts/lyxpreview2bitmap.py --png"	""
+\converter lyxpreview ppm        "{python} $$s/scripts/lyxpreview2bitmap.py --ppm"	""
@@ -1385,11 +1388,11 @@ def checkOtherEntries():
     ## FIXME: MAPLE is not used anywhere
     # path, MAPLE = checkProg('Maple', ['maple'])
     # Add the rest of the entries (no checkProg is required)
-    addToRC(r'''\citation_search_view "python -tt $$s/scripts/lyxpaperview.py"''')
-    addToRC(r'''\copier    fig        "python -tt $$s/scripts/fig_copy.py $$i $$o"
-\copier    pstex      "python -tt $$s/scripts/tex_copy.py $$i $$o $$l"
-\copier    pdftex     "python -tt $$s/scripts/tex_copy.py $$i $$o $$l"
-\copier    program    "python -tt $$s/scripts/ext_copy.py $$i $$o"
+    addToRC(r'''\citation_search_view "{python} $$s/scripts/lyxpaperview.py"''')
+    addToRC(r'''\copier    fig        "{python} $$s/scripts/fig_copy.py $$i $$o"
+\copier    pstex      "{python} $$s/scripts/tex_copy.py $$i $$o $$l"
+\copier    pdftex     "{python} $$s/scripts/tex_copy.py $$i $$o $$l"
+\copier    program    "{python} $$s/scripts/ext_copy.py $$i $$o"
 def _checkForClassExtension(x):
@@ -1924,9 +1927,6 @@ def rescanTeXFiles():
     if not os.path.isfile(tfscript):
         logger.error("configure: error: cannot find TeXFiles.py script")
-    interpreter = sys.executable
-    if interpreter == '':
-        interpreter = "python"
     tfp = cmdOutput('"%s" -tt "%s"' % (interpreter, tfscript))
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