Here is my latest attempt to try to make inheritFont a display-only feature. My reasoning is that this method and the Font entries of layout files only describe hat LaTeX does, so that LaTeX output does not have to take them into account.

The attached example of a footnote in bold text gives the following in 2.3:

Note that the footnote inset is in bold like the rest of the top level paragraph.

In 2.4 the output is visually the same, but the code is weird:

The good change is that the \footnote is in a bold context as it should (the LaTeX style could be improved, but this is not 2.4 matters).

But the bad change is that there is a \textmd inside the \footnote{} that does not make sense: inheritFont=false already tells that the font has been reset inside the footnote, why would we have to reset (again) to medium wight?

I think that we should just ignore these outer font issues and generate the explicit font changes of the inner inset. But of course, there may be backward compatibility issues I am not aware of.

Jürgen, I am sorry to reopen this can of worms, but I feel it has to be settled before 2.4.


Attachment: bold_footnote.lyx
Description: application/lyx

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