Is this something that one would like as default, ie included by LyX?


On 11/10/2021 10:21, CTAN Announcements wrote:
Max Chernoff submitted the



Version:  1.0.0 2021-10-09
License:  other-free cc-by-sa-4

Summary description: Automatically remove widows and orphans from any

Announcement text:
Lua-widow-control is a Plain TeX/LaTeX/ConTeXt package that removes
  widows and orphans without any user intervention.  Using the power
  of LuaTeX, it does so without stretching any glue or shortening any
  pages.  Instead, lua-widow-control automatically lengthens a
  paragraph on a page where a widow or orphan would otherwise occur.

  Unmodified TeX has very few ways of preventing widows and orphans.
  In documents with figures, section headings, and equations, TeX can
  stretch the vertical glue between items in order to prevent widows
  and orphans, but many documents have no figures or headings.  TeX
  can also shorten the page by 1 line, but this will give each page a
  different length which can make a document look uneven.  The typical
  solution is to strategically insert \looseness=1, but this requires
  manual editing every time that the document is edited.
  Lua-widow-control is essentially an automation of the \looseness
  method: it uses Lua callbacks to find "stretchy" paragraphs, then it
  lengthens them to remove widows and orphans.

  Lua-widow-control is compatible with all LuaTeX-based formats.  All
  that is required is to load the package at the start of your
document. To load: - Plain LuaTeX: \input lua-widow-control
    - LuaLaTeX: \usepackage{lua-widow-control}
    - ConTeXt (LMTX): \usemodule[lua-widow-control]


The package’s Catalogue entry can be viewed at

The package’s files themselves can be inspected at

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