Allan Rae <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
| On 23 Apr 2001, Lars Gullik [iso-8859-1] Bjønnes wrote:
| > Allan Rae <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
| > | struct LFUNAction {
| > | void operator() (pair<LFUN, string>);
| > | };
| > |
| > | for_each(macro.begin(), macro.end(), LFUNAction());
| >
| > Still don't like it.
| >
| > std::for_each(macro.begin(), macro.end(),
| > lyx::class_fun(string, lyxfunc, LyXFunc::Dispatch));
| >
| > seems better to me, more obvious and open.
| Then how about:
| struct LFUNAction {
| LFUNAction(LyXFunc &);
| string const operator() (pair<int, string const &> lfun) {
| return lf_.Dispatch(lfun.first, lfun.second);
| }
| private:
| LyXFunc lf_;
| };
| for_each(macro.begin(), macro.end(), LFUNAction(lyxfunc));
Of course we would hide the macro inside a macro object too.
class Macro {
typedef vector<pair<int, string const &> > Cmds;
void execute(LyXFunc & lf) const {
for_each(cmds_.begin, cmds_.end(), LFUNAction(lf));
void execute(LyXFunc & lf, vector<string> & res) const {
// accumulate all returned strings in res
// can std::accumulate be used here?
Cmds::const_iterator cit = cmds_.begin();
Cmds::const_iterator end = cmds_.end();
LFUNAction la(lf);
for (; cit != end; ++cit) {
void addCmd(int, string const & arg) {
cmds_.push_back(make_pair(int, arg));
struct LFUNAction {
LFUNAction(LyXFunc & lf) : lf_(lf) {}
string const operator() (Cmds::value_type const & vt) const {
return lf_.Dispatch(lfun.first, lfun.second);
LyXFunc lf_;
Cmds cmds_;
I don't really se the point in hiding the dispatching further:
typedef vector<LFUNAction> Cmds;
void execute
| This leaves the problem of what happens to the returned string. I'm
| pretty sure we can ignore it completely.
Yes. The returned string can be ignored in almost all cases.
| It also seems that you are overlooking the extra string arguement as your
| solution sets the return type as string and only has one input, an
| int.
Yes, you are right.