On Sun, Mar 06, 2022 at 10:32:06AM -0700, Joel Kulesza wrote:
> Colleagues,
> I've tried to rest my "forgotten password" in the LyX bug tracker.
> However, the emails it sends are failing to reach me (not my inbox or my
> "junk" folder).
> Do we know whether everything is working as expected?
> Sorry for any inconvenience in this regard—I'm quite certain of my password
> so I'm not sure what the issue is...

Hi Joel,

Arg sorry for that frustration. The bug tracker is pretty old, and
certainly some strange things have happened because of it. I haven't
heard of any recent strangeness along the lines that you've experienced
but I'm also not surprised. I wish I could offer to transfer things to
e.g., GitLab but I just don't have time.

I don't know if there is a way for us to recover your account. Wait
until someone more knowledgeable than I comes along before you try
something. One hackish possibility is that I think it is easy to
*delete* your account. I wonder if we delete your account and you make a
new account with the same user name if trac will treat it continuously
(e.g., if we search for bugs created by <your username> it shows both
old ones and ones with your "new" account).


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