Dear all,

Until now, the handling of the lists was like:

* lyx-devel and lyx-users were set to automatically reject non-members
* the other list would put the messages on hold, so that I had to have a look at all the moderated mails (~80 spams and sometimes a message) daily.

Now that I have been made aware (by the OSUOSL people) that there is actually a X-Spam-Flag header we can rely on, I am trying something new on this list:

- members can post as usual;
- spams are automatically discarded; please notify the list if a message of yours just disappears. I decided to only apply the changes to lyx-devel because it is easier to experiment here;
- remaining non-member posts are held for moderation.

I am not sure here whether I should reject or discard mail. What I am wary of is that a real message could be silently mistaken for spam. This is why I wanted to use reject, but OTOH it adds useless traffic and creates the risk of having us marked as a spam source.

I wanted to apply the spam filtering only to non-members, but this is not possible with mailman (at least only globally).

Comments welcome.

lyx-devel mailing list

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