Le 08/03/2022 à 16:53, Scott Kostyshak a écrit :
On Tue, Mar 08, 2022 at 04:43:38PM +0100, Kornel Benko wrote:
Open UserGuide.lyx
goto 2.1 Basic File Operations, so that some shortcuts are visible
change the bind-file from cua to emacs
        Tools-Preferences...->Editing->Shortcuts->Bind file: emacs ==> crash

I can reproduce. In addition to a SIGSEGV, I get the following output that 
perhaps is useful:

   /home/scott/lyxbuilds/master-master/repo/src/Paragraph.cpp:4283:12: runtime 
error: member access within misaligned address 0x00650000006f for type 'struct 
Private', which requires 8 byte alignment
   0x00650000006f: note: pointer points here
   <memory cannot be printed>

This is the result of the InsetInfo mess. This inset is hackish in various ways. In 12dfdbf0a3e6, I have tried a new strategy, we'll see whether it works. I am reasonably confident, but not totally. Something had to be done anyway (see commit message below).

Testing welcome.


commit 12dfdbf0a3e667544fd3f0af7fe86b26909fd6a0
Author: Jean-Marc Lasgouttes <lasgout...@lyx.org>
Date:   Thu Mar 10 12:19:44 2022 +0100

    Fix crash in InsetInfo when bindings change

    This is actually a generic InsetInfo issue:

    1/ the contents of the inset is computed in updateBuffer, so that it
       is available for drawing but also for latex output (think batch
       export). When it is called, it deletes the existing inner paragraph
       and replaces it by a new one

    2/ metrics build a new Row object that represents to paragraph

    3/ draw() relies on this information

    Now, imagine that updateBuffer() is called after metrics(). This can
    happen for many reasons, and does happen here (display a shortcut info
    and change the shortcut file from cua to emacs).

    This problem has been here forever, but is only visible now that the
    (experimental) bookmark display code needs to read the underlying
    paragraph id.

    The solution is to compute the inset contents at metrics time. This
    is done by moving the relevant code to a new standalone build() method
    that is called in metrics() but also in latex().
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