On Wed, Apr 25, 2001 at 11:27:17AM +0200, Lars Gullik Bjønnes wrote:
> | 
> | Why? The most time-consuming sync is the first one. After that, we are only
> | passing around relatively small files.
> but you are not the only one using rsync. also remember that the old
> anoncvs had a only 30 minutes lag, and that was on the same subnet.

I have reset it to once per hour. I hope that's okay.

> done.
> anoncvs.us.lyx.org and cvs.us.lyx.org points to cvs.sylvan.com


Being a LyX developer is like being on the PTA. When you start
complaining, you better be prepared to do the work. ;-)

Kayvan A. Sylvan                   | Proud husband of      | Father to my kids:
Sylvan Associates, Inc.            | Laura Isabella Sylvan | Katherine Yelena
http://www.successlinks.com/kayvan | Reach your goals now! | Robin Gregory

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