On 5/4/22 07:47, Pavel Sanda wrote:
On Tue, May 03, 2022 at 11:19:16AM -0400, Richard Kimberly Heck wrote:
Sorry for disappearing there for a while. I had some difficult personal
circumstances and an incredibly busy semester and just had to withdraw from
everything else until things settled down. Which they now have.
I'm happy you recovered and see you on the list again!
Where are things with respect to LyX 2.4.0? I'm happy to resume my role as
release manager for that project, if that's still required.
I believe so.

As others noted it might be best to just quickly release alpha 4 without
much damage control, and sort out the issues raised before/meanwhile for beta 1.

OK. I will plan to do a pre-release later this week.


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