On Fri, Oct 7, 2022 at 6:42 AM Jean-Marc Lasgouttes <
lasgouttes.lyx....@free.fr> wrote:

> Le 07/10/2022 à 13:51, Joel Kulesza a écrit :
> > Awesome, thank you for the feedback!
> You are welcome.
> BTW, is there feedback we are supposed to provide concerning the gitlab
> ticket migration? I am not pushing anything, it is just to make sure
> that you are not waiting on us and suffering from lack of interest.

JMarc et al.,

Yes, I'm still hoping for replies to my March 8 email (
https://www.mail-archive.com/lyx-devel@lists.lyx.org/msg217242.html) and
more narrowly my developer-list July 14 email.  Notably, I didn't receive
any user accounts other than JMarc's to add to the private project to get
additional feedback (or I missed them and cannot find them, and I apologize
if that's the case).  Nevertheless, since March 8 and within the
developer-list thread following some additional discussion, I made the
example issue migration public (here:
https://gitlab.com/jkulesza/test_export_import/-/issues) but have received
no feedback subsequently.  So, I am "stuck" between my March 8th steps 2
and 3.

What I would propose at this point unless someone gives the feedback that
what's shown is unworkable, no good, etc., is to cleanup my migration
script, see if I can incorporate attachments and ensure issue number
correspondence, and prove out the process again.  If/when proven, we'll be
at the point of deciding whether to actually perform the migration, or
not.  Because of current work conditions, I'm unsure about the timing of
this, but unless I hear objections I'll pursue this plan.

I'm happy to hear any thoughts on this planned approach.

Thank you,
lyx-devel mailing list

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