Moving this comment over here (if it hasn't already been moved here) since it 
has been suggested this is a more appropriate location:

On Tuesday 01 May 2001 14:44, Laura Jackson wrote:

> Why couldn't LyX allow the user to type 2 spaces between sentences and 1
> space between words?   It's frustrating to read over the text written in
> LyX and have the sentences all squashed together.

Personally, I don't have a problem with the single spaces at ends of 
sentences.  However, as a person who learned to type on a typewriter, my 
fingers have been trained by over 20 years of typing to hit the spacebar 
twice at the end of a sentence.

What does form at least a minor irritant is the message about not being about 
to insert two spaces.  I just wish there was a way to turn this one message 
off.  It really does tend to break one's concentration when trying to type a 

George J. De Bruin
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