On Wed, May 02, 2001 at 04:50:21PM -0700, Kayvan A. Sylvan wrote:
> In the latest CVS,
> Double quotes in footnotes are inserted as '' (instead of `` followed
> by '' when you close the quote).
> Copying/pasting the correct quote from another part of the document
> works as a workaround.

This is not a general problem. It only happens in some files.

I've enclosed a lyx file that shows this weird behavior.

Put the cursor before the ``Cursor Here'' and type a double quote and the
right double quote shows up. Put in after the ``C'' (or almost anywhere else
in the document) and type a double-quote and the wrong quote is inserted.

Hopefully this bug report is more useful.

#LyX 1.2 created this file. For more info see http://www.lyx.org/
\lyxformat 218
\textclass literate-article
% This is for good PDF production (with hyperlinks)
\usepackage[ps2pdf,pdftitle={MSite Multisite 
% This (from the noweb FAQ) relaxes the constraint that chunks are never broken across 
\def\nwendcode{\endtrivlist \endgroup \vfil\penalty10\vfilneg}
% This is from Herbert Voss LyX tips web pages
\usepackage{pstcol}                % PSTricks with the `color' extension
\usepackage[tiling]{pst-fill}      % PSTricks package for filling/tiling
\usepackage{pst-node}              % PSTricks package for nodes
\usepackage{pst-char}              % PSTricks package for character path
\usepackage{pst-grad}              % PSTricks package for gradient filling
\usepackage{multido}               % `multido' package
\usepackage{graphicx}              % `graphicx' package

\newcommand{\WriteBig}[3] {
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\papersize Default
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\quotes_times 2
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\paperpagestyle default

\layout LaTeX

\layout Standard
\align center 

\size huge 
Cursor Here
\layout Standard
\added_space_top medskip \added_space_bottom medskip \align center 

\size larger 
Kayvan A.
\layout Standard
\align center 

\size large 

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