On Fri, Apr 19, 2024 at 02:23:27AM +0200, Pavel Sanda wrote:
> That kicks us somewhere in the region of 365*30*3*2=~66k installs per year...
> Sure, especially the last two numbers are highly speculative, but you can
> easily recalculate with your own constants ;) 

Complementary data points for linux:

1) debian popcon stats (https://popcon.debian.org/by_recent)
#24 firefox vote: 49579
#7305 lyx vote:     298

(sorted by "votes" = regular use of binary).
Total numbers not interesting (tiny compared to real numbers),
but if the respresentation of this sample is right we have
we have ratio of 0.6% of active lyx users vs active firefox users.

(firefox is the major number in linux either by votes:
#1594  google-chrome-stable: 13467,
or by local CZ polls I saw, where chrome:firefox ration was 1:3)

2) https://data.firefox.com/ reports:
180m active firefox users

% of users (linux-X, X probably means kernel)
linux-6 1.9%
linux-5 2.08%
linux-other ~1.5%
sum 5.48%

180*5.48% ~ 9 864 000 active linux firefox users

I presume that active lyx users are also browsing internet...

Summary linux situatiom:
- If we take the ratio from 1) we land at 60k active linux users.
- If chrome-firefox linux users sets are reasonably disjoint we proably get +15k

Summary win situation:
- There are probably 22k yearly installs on win, per my yestarday's email.
>From what I saw generic audience is pretty ignorant about regular upgrades
which might give 3-5y hardware upgrade cycle, but active users probably have
2-3 installs (work/home/laptop). 
So let's speculate for userbase (22*4/2.5)=35.

Mac situation:
Most opaque numbers. Homebrew gives 1.2k installs per year, but I guess that's a
minor way how to ship software to mac. OS stat counter gives for win:mac 72:15,
so if we trust windows number, that would leave us somewhere around 4.6k yearly
installs. In the same vein my sense of bug report and email list traffic is that
mac does not reach majority ;) 
If I use the same magic for yearly installs -> user base: we have 4.6*1.6=7.

All in all 60+15+35+7 = 117k. Lots of wiggle room but I would be willing
to bet that our user base tops 100k.

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