Hi all,

I'm only subscribed to lyx-users, but I think this is more relevant here
(please keep this fact in mind if you reply).

I found an ugly coredump with 1.1.6f1: if I have a simple lyx file with an
included eps figure (in a float, it so happens), and try to export to latex
        lyx --export latex file.lyx

all goes well. However, if I use

        lyx -dbg <anything> --export latex file.lyx

I get a nice coredump. I tried -dbg any to see how far it got, and this is
the last lyx says before going belly up:

Building macros
MathErr: Attempt to submetric a subparagraph.
LyXLex::EatLine read char: `S'
LyXLex::EatLine read char: `t'
LyXLex::EatLine read char: `a'
LyXLex::EatLine read char: `n'
LyXLex::EatLine read char: `d'
LyXLex::EatLine read char: `a'
LyXLex::EatLine read char: `r'
LyXLex::EatLine read char: `d'
LyXLex::EatLine read char: `
lyx: SIGSEGV signal caught
Sorry, you have found a bug in LyX. If possible, please read 'Known bugs'
under the Help menu and then send us a full bug report. Thanks!

The MathErr line is the only unusual line of the tons of output.

I can submit an example file if it's needed.

It would be nice if this bug could be fixed, as it now breaks a script of
mine which needs to run lyx with -dbg on for other reasons. 

Even nicer (it would simplify my script) would be if lyx could report on
stdout any .tex files it creates when called with --export latex. Let me
clarify: if I run "lyx --export latex file.lyx" but <file.lyx> includes
<inc.lyx>, lyx will correctly create <file.tex> and <inc.tex>. However, it
will only report on stdout that it made <file.tex>, and no mention will be
made of <inc.tex>. In order to find that out, you need to parse the output
of "lyx -dbg latex --export latex file.lyx" and look for lines that begin
with "writefile:". This is what I'm doing now, but it would be much simpler
if lyx could simply report all the files it made, even included files.

Anyway, just wanted to let you know of the coredump, and drop my little
extra request.

Keep  up the good work!



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