Priorities, priorities. 

I'd suggest that LyX is fun but that if you stop work on it, it'll magically 
continue on it's own happy course. Is the same true of a thesis? 
Unfortumately not. You've invested five years into this labour of love, but 
you'll get nothing tangible in return unless you finish it. So do as Amir did 
and finish it.


On Thursday 19 July 2001 07:55, Allan Rae wrote:
> On Wed, 18 Jul 2001, Angus Leeming wrote:
> > > Allan. (ARRae)  Who feels retirement or at least a sabatical coming on.
> >
> > What's this? Are you feeling burnt out from writing a thesis or bored of 
> Not enough thesis and too many LyX emails to read each day.
> Maybe I should do like Amir did and unsubscribe from lyx-devel and
> subscribe to the digest instead...  hmmm... maybe procmail would be a
> better idea and filter out anything that doesn't mention me...
> > What about that shoulder to lean on I've been relying on all this time. 
> > not sure I can stand on my own two feet after all this time!!!
> I have a hundred and one different things I'd love to fix or break or
> whatever in LyX but my thesis really should get to be my first priority at
> some stage during my candidature.  Doesn't mean I don't want to continue
> supporting the effort but I am wondering what is the best move at this
> point (five years into my PhD).  Stuff like:  finish my thesis versus fix
> up the guii class hierarchy?
> I finished my employment with the Uni two weeks ago (although I have
> another week or two of consulting that they want me for) and have only
> done LyX website and some hiking in that time.  No thesis.  No LDN.  No
> code.
> I can pay rent and buy food until perhaps Christmas with my savings.  But,
> then I need to work again and I know for a fact that in the two years of
> part/full time work I did until now I never got any useful work done on my
> thesis.  So perhaps that should be a warning to other postgrads.  Make the
> most of your scholarship while it lasts.
> I'll finish breaking before I bugger off (if I do) but
> if anyone out there wants to read LDN in future they might have to
> consider writing it themselves.  I'll try once again to get an LDN written
> for next week but at present my back is not happy with me after I hurt it
> weight lifting.  That was supposed to be helping strengthen my back so it
> was less likely to get hurt... ironic isn't it?
> Allan. (ARRae)

Dr Angus Leeming
Dept. of Bioengineering
Imperial College
London SW7 2BX

Tel +44 (0) 20 7594 5186
Fax +44 (0) 20 7584 6897

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