>>>>> "Garst" == Garst R Reese <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Garst> Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:
>>  >>>>> "Garst" == Garst R Reese <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Garst> Yet another feature request. Verse gets e-mailed me as groups
Garst> of lines (stanzas)
Garst> Separated by a blank line. With the next stanza continuing.
>>  And how should this be changed? linebreaks between lines and
>> paragraph breaks between stanzas?

Hmmm... This means import as lines should keep line break as line
breaks and change double line breaks to paragraph break. This seems
reasonable, in fact. Why don't we do that always? I'd like to know
what people think about that...

Garst> Yes. It also would have been nice if when in paragraph=verse,
Garst> an [enter] would have been interpreted as a line break and
Garst> C-[enter] as a paragraph break, but changing the behaviour now
Garst> is probably a bad idea.

Yes, it is probably a very very bad idea :) If we do that, next time
tou will ask that in verses footnote are output as tabulars and
tabulars as footnotes...


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