On Thu, Aug 02, 2001 at 06:54:50PM +0300, Dekel Tsur wrote:
> > 
> > Each math formula is on average less than 1k with all your proposals. Now,
> > in an extreme math thesis with maybe 10 formula on each page, for 500
>                                        ^^
> This is a too low estimate. On my thesis I have 6528 math insets, and it is
> 112 pages (not including bibliography) so average is ~60 per page.
> > pages, this is 5 MB.
> If we use 50 insets per page, then memory is 25 MB, which is a problem.
> I will try to generate statistic for the average length of an inset.

Ok, I have 6528 insets, and about 54000 total elements in the insets
(element = single letter or command). So average length of an inset
is ~8 elements.

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