(as an aside, I love doing real work with LyX --- I get to do my job
and do some testing/debugging at the same time!)

I inserted ERT, inlined it (using Button 2), then attempted to walk
past the right-edge of the ERT box using the arrow keys.

LyX crashed. Here is the backtrace:

(gdb) where
#0  0xff018444 in _libc_kill ()
#1  0xfefb9470 in abort ()
#2  0x208c10 in lyx::abort () at abort.C:9
#3  0x9b9fc in error_handler (err_sig=11) at ../src/lyx_main.C:880
#4  <signal handler called>
#5  boost::shared_ptr<ParameterStruct>::operator-> (this=0xb)
    at ../boost/boost/smart_ptr.hpp:240
#6  0x4e2f0 in ParagraphParameters::depth (this=0x3c)
    at ParagraphParameters.h:128
#7  0xc8514 in Paragraph::getDepth (this=0x53fbc0) at paragraph.C:1028
#8  0xe734c in LyXText::rightMargin (this=0x4ac3e0, buf=0x4ac230, row=0x548d58)
    at text.C:805
#9  0xe7704 in LyXText::nextBreakPoint (this=0x4ac3e0, bview=0x4d93c8, 
    row=0x548d58, width=946) at text.C:876
#10 0xea9f4 in LyXText::breakAgain (this=0x4ac3e0, bview=0x4d93c8, 
    row=0x548d58) at text.C:1539
#11 0xfb724 in LyXText::fullRebreak (this=0x4ac3e0, bview=0x4d93c8)
    at text2.C:870
#12 0x1e26c in BufferView::Pimpl::update (this=0x4e0838, text=0x4ac3e0, f=3)
    at BufferView_pimpl.C:1032
#13 0x165b0 in BufferView::update (this=0x4d93c8, text=0x4ac3e0, f=3)
    at BufferView.C:179
#14 0xaee18 in LyXFunc::moveCursorUpdate (this=0x4bb8d8, flag=true, 
    selecting=false) at lyxfunc.C:194
#15 0xa5d7c in LyXFunc::dispatch (this=0x4bb8d8, ac=35, 
    do_not_use_this_arg=@0xffbeefa8) at lyxfunc.C:888
#16 0xa32dc in LyXFunc::processKeySym (this=0x4bb8d8, keysym=65363, state=0)
    at lyxfunc.C:352
#17 0x1bf14 in BufferView::Pimpl::workAreaKeyPress (this=0x4e0838, 
    keysym=65363, state=0) at BufferView_pimpl.C:515
#18 0x237f18 in SigC::ObjectSlot2_<void, unsigned long, unsigned int, 
BufferView::Pimpl>::callback (d=0x4e17ec, p1=65363, p2=0) at 
#19 0x25e140 in SigC::Callback2<void, unsigned long, unsigned int>::call (
    this=0x4e17ec, p1=@0xffbef29c, p2=@0xffbef2a0) at ../sigc++/slot.h:456
#20 0x25e264 in SigC::Signal2<void, unsigned long, unsigned int, SigC::Marshal<void> 
>::emit (this=0x4e086c, p1=@0xffbef29c, p2=@0xffbef2a0)
    at ../sigc++/basic_signal.h:472
#21 0x25e58c in SigC::Signal2<void, unsigned long, unsigned int, SigC::Marshal<void> 
>::operator() (this=0x4e086c, p1=@0xffbef29c, p2=@0xffbef2a0)
    at ../sigc++/basic_signal.h:450
#22 0x53914 in WorkArea::work_area_handler (ob=0x4e11d8, event=9, key=65363, 
    xev=0xff326e3c) at WorkArea.C:432
#23 0x52044 in C_WorkArea_work_area_handler (ob=0x4e11d8, event=9, key=65363, 
    xev=0xff326e3c) at WorkArea.C:58
#24 0xff2ca658 in fl_handle_it ()
#25 0xff2ca74c in fl_handle_object ()
#26 0xff2b7934 in fl_handle_form ()
#27 0xff2b7d40 in do_keyboard ()
#28 0xff2b8654 in do_interaction_step ()
#29 0xff2b8f84 in fl_treat_interaction_events ()
#30 0xff2b8fd4 in fl_check_forms ()
#31 0x188ca4 in GUIRunTime::runTime () at GUIRunTime.C:84
#32 0x942b8 in LyXGUI::runTime (this=0x4a1858) at lyx_gui.C:316
#33 0x95fe0 in LyX::LyX (this=0xffbef948, argc=0xffbef9c4, argv=0xffbef9e4)
    at ../src/lyx_main.C:179
#34 0xc20c4 in main (argc=1, argv=0xffbef9e4) at ../src/main.C:38

Kayvan A. Sylvan          | Proud husband of       | Father to my kids:
Sylvan Associates, Inc.   | Laura Isabella Sylvan  | Katherine Yelena (8/8/89)
http://sylvan.com/~kayvan | "crown of her husband" | Robin Gregory (2/28/92)

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