Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:
> >>>>> "Dekel" == Dekel Tsur <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Dekel> I don't think that there is something that can be asked there.
> Dekel> It is clear that these two commands have different effect.
> Dekel> However, since we need to maintain compatibility with 1.1.6, we
> Dekel> need to use \centering (or to redefine the center environment,
> Dekel> but this is not a good idea as the user might have used it in
> Dekel> ERT).
> Note that that also the center environment is proper markup, while
> \centering is not really. We could maybe make it different for tables,
> but I do not really like that.

\def\center{\trivlist \centering\item\relax}

the center-environment uses itself the \centering-command!
it's common sense to use \centering instead of the center-env.
the additional vertical space in fact of the trivlist is
irritating for users who are not very familiar with this



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