On Mon, Sep 03, 2001 at 10:45:16PM +0100, Jose Abilio Oliveira Matos wrote:
> On Mon, Sep 03, 2001 at 11:20:40PM +0200, Yves Bastide wrote:
> > On Mon, Sep 03, 2001 at 07:17:38PM +0100, Jose Abilio Oliveira Matos wrote:
> > > 
[ignore unimportant stuff about a bug]
> > >   I really, really prefer python.
> > > 
> > >   And the code is so much readble...
> > 
> > But so much less fun... :-)
>   Come on, that's not true. You can overload operators, use functional
> programming tools as I did in my last program. If that is not fun, used with
> classes I don't know what is. ;-)
>   You can add a __cal__ method to a class making it a functor, and using it
> everywhere a function can be used. I don't even dream it how to do it in
> perl... ;-)

I'm *not* trying to start a flame war here. I'll point out, though, that you
can overload operators in perl too. I don't really know what you mean about
using a clas where you would use a function. I will say there's a *lot* of
sneakiness that can be done with Perl classes -- mostly because it's very
relaxed about requiring things -- although much of that may be obfuscated.
The AUTOLOAD method is downright scary, for example. I recently bought
Damian Conway [the guy who has written modules to write Perl in Klingon,
Latin, and whitespace, among other things]'s "Object-Oriented Perl", where
he seems to be arguing "anything you can do in [OO language X] I can do in
Perl if I feel like it, but usually I won't bother." Or something. (But not
in a condescending way. I think he's just hitting back at all the people who
say Perl isn't a "real" OO language.)

> > And you know that Amir's code is particularly readable
>   Why do you think that protesting I'm still hacking reLyX code? ;-)
>   No only readable but also clean. Thanks, *Mr* Perl. ;-)



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