Juergen Spitzmueller wrote:
> 3. If I understand
> http://www.cs.uu.nl/~piet/floats/
> correct (the LaTeX-gurus might correct me), LyX should add the
> following line to the preamble, if you chose "Here, definitely":
> \restylefloat{figure} %% or whatever float it is
> This is currently not the case.

it's important to prevent a pagebreak in fact of a misplaced

the H-option is absolutely tricky! and from my point of view
it should never appear! it gives more trouble than andvantages.
and a float is no more a float! it's no problem to place a 
"nonfloat"-object with or without a caption in any place of the
doc without this H-option.

nice sunday, hope it's better than here in Berlin - cold and rainy



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