Juergen Spitzmueller wrote:
> Am Montag, 17. September 2001 22:56 schrieb Dekel Tsur:
> > On Mon, Sep 17, 2001 at 06:59:50PM +0200, Herbert Voss wrote:
> > > there were two footnote packages, the one of robin fairbanks
> > > is now footmisc, the otherone is afaik no more part of the
> > > tools package.
> >
> > Mark Wooding's footnote.sty is still a part of mdwtools.
> Yes, we are talking about mdwtools. The question is (again): is this
> (mdwtools) supposed to be installed everywhere? It's part of teTeX, but
> I don't know if that is true for other distros.
> If it is supposed to be installed, we should really add this two lines
> IMHO. Footnotes inside tabulars (of this kind) is something which
> should be possible (if possible ;-).

for all of those who need a lot of packages for their docs,
it's still the same: you have interdependencies between the
different packages like this one has to be load before 
another one. or this package doesn't work with that one
and so on ...
this is the reason why I always say: do not load too
much packages by default. especially for those stuff,
which is possible with a few latex commands. 
I'll change my mind, if lyx gets it's own package
administration. So I have the decision to say if a 
package should be load or not. 



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