
I have forwarded this to the LyX developers' list. Hopefully, someone
there who is much more knowledgable than I can explain the current
workings. (I'm just a humble documentor.)


On Mon, 15 Oct 2001, [iso-8859-1] Jiri Mares wrote:

> Hi Mike,
> I would like to ask you for more information about Lyx
> Server. I am developing Perl program, that read *.lyx
> file containing Mathed equations. The equation
> is translated via regular expression to Perl, then
> appropriate values are substituted and equation is
> calculated.
> The purpose of this program is to create and maintain
> documents, where the mathematical expressions are
> calculated. I have configured my Lyx, so I have in my
> home directory lyxrc file with
> \serverpipe "/home/jiri/.lyx/.lyxpipe"
> When I write output of my program to .lyxpipe.in, Lyx
> does not react. What
> is the problem? Probably I did not understand the
> princip of Lyx server. Could you give me advice, where
> can I find more information? I tried to find more
> information on some links, they are on oficial Lyx
> page, but without succes.

Mike Ressler
OK, I'm lame: I don't have my own website ...

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