Lars Gullik Bjønnes wrote:
> Hmm... I thought I almost completed it also... except the gui part
> needed to create new floats. (and the issue of where to store the new
> floats).

maybe, that I missed something, but you don't add them to
the menu ...

> | the menus for insert->floats and insert->lists are
> | build in MenuBackend.C, which uses the floatlist
> | from FloatList.C.
> | so far so good, but when this is done, lyx knows
> | nothing about dirs and preferences, because lyxrc
> | is build later. A hardcoded floatlist is ugly.
> The menubackend builds the floatlist dynamically.
> (at least it did once...)

can it do this again ...?

> | so what can I do, when I want to read the newfloats
> | from preferences or a single file???
> We never really finished the discussion about where the floats should
> be stored: In the document, in a global file, preferences ...

this is not important for the code, therefore not my
problem ...


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