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Hi folks,

AR> Wasn't the point of the GNU suggested wording to be a model of how to
AR> allow linking to Qt2 on Windows?  On Unix there is no problem with
AR> either GPL or QPL as I understand it.  So we would still need to
AR> mention Qt2.  What happens to a port to MFC? Aqua? or some other
AR> toolkit which is proprietory and closed source?  We need to keep
AR> revising our license clarification.  Why not just stick with a general
AR> statement that says we can link to whatever closed system libraries we
AR> need to -- native Windows port will need native graphics and IO and
AR> whatever else libs after all.

I'm not trying to start a GPL-vs-BSD flamewar here, but why not
release it under the modified BSD license? Then the linking problem
would be out of the world once and for all, and its pretty much in
line with most of the rest of TeX.

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