On Fri, Mar 15, 2002 at 12:34:32PM +0100, Lars Gullik Bjønnes wrote:
> | Yes!
> Should it also be paragraph agnostic?

Actually, I think yes. But I am not completely sure.

I could imagine a paragraph being an inset containing "lines". A line in
turn keeps "pieces" i.e either a sequence of chars with the same attributes
or another inset.

An iterator holds a sequence of pairs  (pointer to inset, index in inset)
This could be made compatible with math iterators that contain triples
(pointer to inset, index of cell, position in cell) simply by setting the
cell to 0 or such...

Alternately one could look at a paragraph as an inset with cells being the
lines... when I think about it, that's much better...

> IMHO an inset should know nothing about buffers, what they need to
> know about is paragraphs.

_Why_ does an inset need to know about its surrounding paragraph?

> Paragraphs on the other hand needs to know about buffers.

Again: Why?


André Pönitz .............................................. [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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