Hi André,

>> One of them that prevents me from testing is the lack of libmmd.dll
>> (that's the Intel compiler's equivalent of libm, and you'll have to
>> redistribute it with the binary application).

AP> Can't you just try to build the beast with Cygwin?

Of course I could, but the idea is to get a version linked against
platform-native Qt, which is impossible with Cygwin AFAIK because
native Qt is compiled with the MSVC compiler, against which gcc can't
link. MSVC is a pain in the rear; there is the Intel C++ compiler,
however, which can interact with MSVC libraries. Ruurd's LyX is
compiled with Intel C++ because the Intel compiler is as
standards-compliant as it gets, if I see it rightly. Also, it
generates very good code performance-wise.

Ultimately, one could get a native version on Windows without any need
for Cygwin at all. I think this would be useful for a lot of people.

I've got it running by now, and it's rather pretty, though unstable.

Cheers -
  Philipp Reichmuth                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Wind catches lily / scatt'ring petals to the wind / segmentation fault

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