On Tue, Jan 21, 2003 at 10:12:28AM +0100, Michael Schmitt wrote:
> >No. There are still rough edges (display jumping) and there are
> >conceptual problems (fancy preambles) that make this wonderful feature
> >unusable under some circumstances. It certainly should not default to on.
> I know the first problem and I would be happy to see a fix for it. But 
> what is the second problem (fancy preambles)?

It's rather "Fancy ERT not in preambles".


Later ERT:


There is another one: Currently, \lyxlock gets written to the .tex
snippets. This indicates that preview uses the "write to .lyx" method
instead of "write to .tex" (I think this is a boolean flag somewhere,
haven't looked at it, though)

> Yes, I guess so. Unfortunately, I don't have enough knowledge to provide 
> a patch for it.

The ERT problem is unsolvable.


Those who desire to give up Freedom in order to gain Security,
will not have, nor do they deserve, either one. (T. Jefferson)

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