Andre Poenitz wrote:

> On Tue, Jan 21, 2003 at 05:51:16PM +0100, Lars Gullik Bjønnes wrote:
>> | If you had ever tried editing a document with more than 1000 footnotes
>> | all of them labeled as "[foot]" in lyx, because lyx is unable to show
>> | the footnote number, you would see why it is helpful to see the
>> | footnote mark.

>> What would you like to see the footnote number or mark? What benefits
>> does it give?

> Actually I accept his argument that a sequential numbering of all
> footnotes might be some navigation help if the number of footnotes gets
> large.

>> What are you goint to do with that number? Look at it?

> One can e.g. make the (sequential!) numbers appear in print as well.
> Going back from the proofs to the .lyx would be easy then.

Yes, you understand me :-) This is especially true, if you get back 
corrected and annotated proofs from someone else. Then the footnote 
numbering (which does normally not change a lot) provides a very good 
navigation aid.

ATM all I would have to use latex directly with src-specials  and jump back 
between dvi and source to make correcting the proofs simpler, but I would 
prefer doing this in lyx.

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