
What do you think of adding an entry called "Online resources" (or
"Online help"?) to the Help-menu? When this entry is activated, it would  
display links to for instance www.lyx.org, the user's list and its 
corresponding archive. 

I know that these links (probably) already are somewhere in the 
documentation, but I think it would be nice to have them more visible in 
the help menu. It would of course also be nice if clicking on one of 
these links open a browser with the link.

Here's two ways it could be implemented?

 * Using Help->Online_resources could just open a new help file called
   Getting "clickable" links would then mean making URLs (the URL-inset 
   perhaps?) clickable. 

 * Have this information displayed inside the "about"-dialog, under a 
   "Online_resources" tab. The menu entry would just open the dialog 
   showing this tab.

If this sounds useful, I'll file this idea under bugzilla for the future.


PS. Having the URL-inset open a browser with the link when you 
double-click on the INSET could be nice in general. Should I add this to 

Christian Ridderström                           http://www.md.kth.se/~chr

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