On Mon, 2003-09-22 at 03:56, Angus Leeming wrote:
> Just a thought, but is there any sense in the commit privileges to lyxdoc 
> vis-à-vis lyx-devel?
> avail|larsbj,mressler,lasgouttes,karger,rae,levon|lyxdoc
> avail|larsbj,lasgouttes,jug,rae,jamatos,alstrup,poenitz,dekel,leeming,levon,abra
> unst,vermeer,spitz|lyx-devel
> I say this in light of the apparent death of the documentation team.

Not dead, just quiet and busy and cursing the day Bill Gates was born. I
still scan the list, but real life has intruded to the point where I
don't even get to use LyX very often. Because I'm now working on an
flight project with international collaboration, Word/Powerpoint has
been mandated, so that is what I use formally.

However, I have installed the MacOSX version of LyX on the same machine
I use for MSOffice, so a few LyX-generated PDFs might start slipping
into our documentation tree ;-)

If people send me doc-related patches, I'd be happy to keep submitting
them to CVS. Also, if there are any glaring deficiencies in the docs,
let me know - I can try to fix them, just not with the speed I used to.
I don't have time to keep up with all the changes on my own, though, so
I need to be pointed to things. Just a fact of life ...


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