
I was thinking of doing some general const cleanup in the (probably very few) 
places that may need it (if any at all). I'm thinking of it w/o looking at 
the code yet (just downloaded from CVS) so please forgive if it doesn't 
directly apply.

What's the general karma of having something like

const int blah = 123;

in a header file, inside a namespace (or not)? As far as I take it, it's a 
declaration and definition in one. So, if the header is included in multiple 
modules, will the constant be replicated (defined) in the object files of all 
those modules? That would seem like a waste of space... Especially if the 
constant would be a large array.

I'm in the "new year cleanup" mood and I thought I could do a couple of 
trivial things just for fun :)

Cheers, Kuba Ober

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