Dear LyX developers,

thank you (again) for your LyX development.

After some pause I'm again with LyX (hoping) to stay :-)

Since it is such a good program I'd liek to share it with some friends who are
still on Win32 platform.

It's not easy to persuade Word user in a LaTeX/TeX world, but LyX can bridge
the gap nicely.

However, I'm concerned abut the future of Win32 port since it is based on
free version of qt which is not offered for the latest qt incarnations.

Does it mean that win32 port is cursed to stay in the old mud?

Has anyone considered to do a wxWidgets port?

Is it a big task considering the present status of LyX's GUI-independence?


Gour                    | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Registered Linux User   | #278493
GPG Public Key          | 8C44EDCD

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