Lars Gullik Bjønnes wrote:

> Angus Leeming <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> | My copy of 'unix in a nutshell' tells me that 'test -a' is
> | specific to ksh, so this is going to break on systems where "sh
> | means sh, not bash".
> So I can use "-e" instead?

Not if you want plain old 'sh' to understand you.

Both these seem to work:
        # your_symbolic_link exists and is a regular file
        test -f your_symbolic_link && ... 

        # your symbolic_link exists and is readable
        test -r your_symbolic_link && ... 

I guess the '-r' version has the semantics you're looking for.

> | So, my guess is that you have builddir != srcdir and the creation
> | of the symbolic link has failed.
> | Incidentally, why use both $(<F) and `basename $<`. They;re
> | equivalent, aren't they?
> Could be that I learned abougt $(<F) after I had written the line
> below...

Sorry, I didn't mean to be rude. I've only just learned about $(<F) 
myself, having pulled 'unix in a nutshell' in an attempt to 
understand your code.


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