Kuba Ober wrote:

> On pi?tek 24 wrzesie? 2004 09:04 am, Angus Leeming wrote:
>> Kuba Ober wrote:
>> > On pi?tek 24 wrzesie? 2004 06:20 am, Angus Leeming wrote:
>> >> Specifically, the section:
>> >>
>> >> Does LyX have support for non-English speakers/writers/readers?
>> >
>> > At least Polish language support works :)
>> Which bits? (There are three different targets). Could you post a patch?
> Well, I can definitely set my document language to Polish, and it accepts
> polish characters, and encodes them correctly for latex's babel to
> understand.
> The polish localization seems to be outdated a bit, but it's present too
> That's stock lyx 1.3.4, Qt frontent. IIRC that worked fine under xforms
> frontend as well for like 1.3.2 or so. So at least for Polish consider it
> working.
> Cheers, Kuba Ober

So to return to my original question, which bit of the following is
incorrect? Or didn't you bother to read it in the first place?

$ cat README

        Menus and error messages have been translated to the following
        languages (* means there are language-specific keyboard menu
        bindings as well):

        Polish      (pl)

        Keymaps can ease typing in one or more of the following languages:



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