Andreas Vox wrote:
>> So this should absolutely be reported to apple. Then they can fix it.
> I just did that. (problem ID 3932345, if anyone cares)
> While we wait on Apple to fix this, couldn't we use the wonderful
> and apparently indispensable "-isystem" option of GCC?
> We could fix the bug ourselves either in ctype.h or boost_concept_check.h

It seems to me that we have control over the contents of
boost_concept_check.h, even if Lars would prefer not to alter these boost
files at all. I think that it's most pragmatic to add some preprocessor
magic to this file.

> and put the corrected version in some directory XYZ in the LyX tree.
> Then all we Mac users would have to do is to add "-isystem XYZ" to the
> configure step.
> Or do we already have a directory for this purpose?

src/cheaders ?


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