On Tue, 22 Feb 2005 14:55:35 +0000, Angus Leeming <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Dear all,

Hi, all!

> In light of all this, I'm asking whether I can have your permission to add
> your names to http://www.lyx.org/blanket-permission.txt:
> "The following people hereby grant permission to licence their contributions
> to LyX under the Gnu General Public Licence, version 2 or later."
> so that we can have a permanent record of those people who have contributed
> code to LyX and who are happy for this code to be licenced under the GPL.

Yes, you may add my name.

I still check lyx.org every few months for nostalgia's sake. Best of
luck with the devel efforts, and I'm still waiting for the day that
someone tells me I ought to use this brand spanking new WYSIWYM
document processor...

-Amir Karger
ps Don't know if I ever mentioned to most of you that I got my first
job out of grad school because they basically asked just one question
at the interview: can you do OO Perl? And I, having learned OO Perl to
write reLyX, answered yes!

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