Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:

"Hartmut" == Hartmut Haase <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Hartmut> Jean-Marc, what are we supposed to do with messages from
Hartmut> other programs that cannot be translated directly? E. g. if
Hartmut> ispell does not find the dictionary we raise an Alertbox with
Hartmut> the content "Can't open /usr/lib/ispell/ngerman.hash" or
Hartmut> similar. The message comes from ispell itself. Are there
Hartmut> examples where such messages are made translatable?

I think we are stuck with whatever message gets sent to us by the
helper programs.

I agree.  People can install the proper locales and set LANG correctly,
they will then get translated messages from any program that
is translated.  They can then take it up with the maintainer
if the program still is english-only.

Helge Hafting

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