>>>>> "Angus" == Angus Leeming <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Angus> I just cut and pasted your suggestion above. Thanks. However,
Angus> I've no idea how to make the packaging bit shorter as it
Angus> contains important user information. Maybe this file is the
Angus> wrong place to put it? 

What about a line in status.13x (i.e. the announcement) saying:

- LyX tries to put its files in the places where Unix, Mac OS X or
  Windows traditionally put them. See http://wiki.lyx.org/SomePlace for
  a thorough description.

Then you can put your complete thing on the wiki.

Concerning the actual values I would write them as examples, not with
the general $PREFIX notation. This would give for the corresponding
part of your text:

    LyX will expect to find its support files at:
      Unix    /usr/share/lyx
      MacOS   /Applications/LyX.app/Resources/lyx
      Windows C:\Program Files\LyX\Resources\lyx

    Similarly, it will typically expect to find a user's customization
    of these support files at:
      Unix    $HOME/.lyx
      MacOS   $HOME/.lyx
[[I think this one is completely wrong! Could a Mac user give is the
    real path?]]
      Windows C:\Documents and Settings\USERNAME\Application Data\lyx

    LyX also has default locations for the user's documents and for its
    temporary workspace directories, although these can be reset in the
    preferences file. Respectively:
      Unix    $HOME
      MacOS   $HOME
      Windows C:\Documents and Settings\USERNAME

      Unix    /tmp
      MacOS   /tmp
      Windows C:\Documents and Settings\USERNAME\Local Settings\Temp

Angus> Ditto for the "File names with spaces" stuff?

    We have worked hard to make this release of LyX work well with
    such file names containing spaces. Modern LaTeX distributions,
    such as MikTeX 2.4 or teTeX 3.0 can handle such paths, although
    you'll have to jump through some hoops to be able to use the
    resulting .dvi file. See
    http://wiki.lyx.org/LaTeX/FilesWithSpecialChars for details and a
    script with which to post-process the .dvi file output by the
    latex compiler.

    LyX will try and ascertain automatically whether your latex compiler
    can handle such file names.

I think this shortened version can go into the 'New Features' section,
along with the Windows port information.

This means that all your changes should find their way into either
status.13x or the wiki. Does this look like a plan?


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