On Wed, Jun 01, 2005 at 03:08:57PM +0200, Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:
> >>>>> "Martin" == Martin Vermeer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Martin> I would say there are two different real value pairs, as there
> Martin> are two insets within each other. The collapsable inset uses
> Martin> its own draw method, and the textinset inside it, its own.
> Martin> The fact that InsetCollapsable derives from InsetText is a red
> Martin> herring in this connection as far as I can see.
> But there is only one inset address for the collapsable inset and the
> text inset, right?

Yes. And I think InsetCollapsable's choice of xo and yo is authorative.
It doesn't hurt, though, if InsetText sets it differntely


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