Hello LyXers,

I encountered two LyX 1.3.6CVS-bugs:

I can't compile my Mathed documentation anymore:


The problem is that LyX 1.3.6CVS adds the line


automatically to the preamble. This causes errors when using AMS symbols that are redefined by wasysym. In my case I use the symbols \iint and \iiint and choose to use AMS-Math in the menu Layout->Document->Packages.

The solution would be a new checkbox if the package wasysym should be used or not in the menu Layout->Document->Packages.

While looking at the differences between LyX 1.3.5 and 1.3.6CVS, I noticed that LyX 1.3.6CVS changes footnotes within the date environment to \thanks.

I attached a small LyX-file to show the problems. Just look in the exported .tex files of this and you'll see the difference.

regards Uwe

Attachment: newfile2.lyx
Description: application/lyx

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