>>>>> "Bennett" == Bennett Helm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Bennett> Rob kindly provided me with his config.log and the lyx
Bennett> application he compiled to see what the differences were.

I was about to suggest that.

Bennett> His version does run much faster on my machine than mine
Bennett> does, though fast typing still pegs processor usage at the
Bennett> maximum and there is a *slight* delay before text appears on
Bennett> the screen. 

So it is probably not very different from linux version.

Bennett> Why the difference?

Bennett>  From what I can tell, it comes down to this. Rob is using
Bennett> Mac OS X 10.4 (=Darwin 8.0.0), whereas I use 10.3.9 (= Darwin
Bennett> 7.9.0). 

Do you use the same Qt version? Is it compiled in the same way?

Bennett> However, one effect of the difference is that, whereas I need
Bennett> to set "--disable-concept-checks" to get lyx to configure for
Bennett> me (or it complains about ostream, istream, etc. being
Bennett> present but not usable), Rob does not. So at least one bug in
Bennett> Apple's version of gcc-3.3 has been fixed.

This check is only for errors at compile time. It should not ahve any
effect on performance.

Bennett> Nonetheless, producing a time profile of Rob's version of lyx
Bennett> shows pretty much what mine shows: way too much time is being
Bennett> spent in lengthcombo.C (about 65% of total time). So merely
Bennett> switching to a newer version of gcc doesn't solve the
Bennett> underlying problem.

Rob, could you try to run LyX under Tiger's Shark.app? The time in
lengthcombox.C does not seem to make sense to me. 

Bennett, what is your version of shark.app and of Xcode? Did you check
for updates (I think I already asked this question...)?


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