Johann Kellerman schrieb:

Everything seems fine. The summary of the page is nice for novice users, but I
would prefer a advanced button with a more detailed explanation. It just seems
wrong if it says it found everything.

I mean that the standard use doesn't want to be bothered with such special informations. But what is wrong to say everything is found?

I wanted to get rid of this installer page if all needed programs are found, but NSIS doesn't allow to create installer pages only under certain conditions. That's why this page appears always. If you have a slution, please tell me!

> will want to know where it found it (msys/cygwin issues) and all that > important for the rest is if it found a harddisk to install to.

All paths are displayed in the summary page (also the path to msys etc.). What else should I display? Btw. the aplication paths can also be found in LyX's preferences after the installation.

Had a quick look at the instalation script, the fonts seems quite complex
(4+files) compared to the 30 line solution i had.

I use only two: FontNameLyX.nsh and FontRegAdvLyX.nsh The others are only there for reference. The problem was that I want to replace fonts with another version. I had also a small solution for the font installation but replacing fonts wasn't successful. My version didn't also not work under Win98. Using the scripts has the advantage that possible error messages comes with translated strings and that it alows me to backup the replaced fonts. Backuped fonts will be reinstalled while unistalling the program. I used this feature in a previous version.

I don't quite understand the
issue between xft and bakoma

Use e.g. an integral sign with limits and you'll see the problem. The integral sign jumps up. There is also the problem that relation signs disappear if certain screen font resolutions are set in LyX's preferences. That's why mainly Ekkehardt Schlicht invested some time to create a font package that works in all situations.

For the languages I have the following suggestion. Include all the available
languages in Lyx as .nsh files in the installer. Create one string that contains
the lang environment variable and just makes sure that is translated for now.
That solves the language step in one go. You select your installation language
and your environment variable is set according to that.

I'll implement it.

All that really needs to be done is to update to Angus's newer plugin (to stop
installation while running configure) and the \t issue when you write to !insertmacro MUI_INSTALLOPTIONS_WRITE "ioSummary.ini" "Field 2" "Text" \
               "$INSTDIR\bin \r\n$MiKTeXPath \r\n$GhostscriptPath
you have to quote the paths. See "Get the input" in for a function to
do it.

I'll have a look and possibly some additional qestions.


There is a problem I can't solve:

When the installer hasn't found the needed program it should quit. But it should jump to the finish page (which has then a different text) and then quit by pressing the finish button. How can this be done? I'm also not able to change the next-button text conditionally from "Next >" to e.g. "Finish >".

Many thanks for the feed back and the infos.
regards Uwe

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